0752-3865839 |
1647249803 |
13824330913 |
kinghang@vip.163.com |
惠州市惠陽三和御和路云豪高新科技園6棟 |
KH-909A 送料開松一體機
本機是在全自動填充機的基礎(chǔ)上開發(fā)的. 經(jīng)濟型的枕芯抱枕生產(chǎn)線。喂棉機最多可以儲存 250公斤原材料,整條生產(chǎn)線只需一個人操作,簡 單靈活.自動化程度高。此機器可以選配填充工 作臺,達到更好的填充效果。
Based on the lull-automatic filling machine,we have developed this economy pillow-producing line. The fiber feeder can store 250kg raw materials,Only one person can handle the whole production line,because of its simplicity, flexibility and high automaticity. The machine can be matched with worktables, achieving abetter filling efliciency.